for SPF community members
This page is in response to questions and information requests we often receive. It will be updated as needed.
We are a collective of parents, neighbors, alumni and allies united to bring more Representation, Equity, Anti-Racism and Literary diversity into every corner of our Scotch Plains-Fanwood schools' lessons, libraries and leaders.
We work alongside our incredible teachers, administration and officials to bring courageous and culturally responsive change to our classrooms. Together, we are all here to raise the next generation of helpers.
The need for change is as R.E.A.L. as our pledge to make it happen, together.
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School District Staff Directory
PTA Council Board Members and Links to All SPF School PTAs
Follow the District on Facebook and Twitter.
Keep informed about what is happening in our community:
SPF Board of Education Information:
The Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education consists of nine individuals (two in Fanwood, seven in Scotch Plains), each elected by voters in their home town for a three-year term. As of the 2022-2023 school year, per new NJ legislation there is also a student representative.
Per NJ state law, all elected BOE members must complete New Jersey School Boards Association's mandated trainings to retain their seat. Additional training and certifications are available to all members throughout their term(s) via the NJSBA Academy.
Learn more about the SPF BOE, its responsibilities and ways to engage with it below.
Board of Education Website
SPF BOE on Facebook, on Twitter
SPF BOE Newsletter
2024-2025 BOE Meeting Dates and Agendas
2023-2024 BOE Meeting Dates
2022-2023 BOE Meeting Agendas
2022-2023 BOE Meeting Dates (Plus Agendas, Minutes)
2021-2022 BOE Meeting Dates (Plus Agendas, Minutes, Videos)
BOE YouTube Channel to watch BOE meetings live-streamed, or the recordings of past meetings.
How to Become a BOE Member
General FAQs about the BOE Meeting experience:
"Coffee and Conversation" events during which families can meet face-to-face with the Superintendent and members of the BOE happen 2-3x per school calendar, and usually occur after information is shared that the community likely has questions about.
If you see one announced, it's a good cue to take a look at recent BOE Meetings and eblasts from the district.
For example:
11/30/22 Coffee & Conversation
Recent hot topic:
- 11/17/22 BOE Mtg (Agenda, Minutes, Video) announcing the before/after care service bid process was officially beginning.
- The most recent BOE election results were finalized.
5/13/22 Coffee & Conversation
Recent hot topic:
- Dr. McGarry (Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction) shared a letter about the Health and Physical Education curriculum, including Sexual and Social Health.
3/3/22 Coffee & Conversation
Recent hot topics:
- 2/24/22 BOE Mtg (Agenda, Minutes, Video) reviewed the finalized 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
That being said, anyone can reach out to the Superintendents and/or BOE at any time to discuss questions or concerns.
Related reading:
The federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency declaration ended on May 11, 2023. Here are some resources to help families with that transition.
Also check out the SPF Public Schools':
And reach out to your kids' school nurse(s) directly with any other questions or for additional resources.Backpack Flyers: Sign up for your school’s emails
Sign up for info blasts from the district (aka, Dr. Mast/BoE) via BrightArrow through PowerSchool.
Sign up for PowerSchool is mandatory to get the BrightArrow emails, if you haven't already (District Code RRDH)
To receive text messages from the district, you must opt-in by texting “YES” to 79041.
Dr. Warren Hynes, Principal
Mr. Timothy Donahue, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Brooke Esposito, Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan Miller, Assistant Principal
Website | Twitter
Facebook Group: SPFHS Families Connect
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling Info Page
2024 SPF Summer Reading Hub: SPFHS
School Supply Guide
School Calendar
Marking Period Calender
School Schedule (Start/End)
Bell Schedule: Full Day, Delayed Schedule, Single Session
667 Westfield Road Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076
(908) 889-8600
Nettingham Middle School
Dr. Jocelyn Dumaresq, Principal
Ms. Sara Durand, Assistant Principal
Website | Twitter
Facebook Group: Malcolm E. Nettingham Middle School Parents - Scotch Plains NJ
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling Info Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Middle School
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calender
School Schedule (Start/End)
580 Park Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 322 - 4445
Terrill Middle School
Dr. Kevin Holloway, Principal
Mr. Ralph Gerace, Assistant Principal
Facebook Group: Terrill Middle School Families
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling Info Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Middle School
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calendar
School Schedule (Start/End)
1301 Terrill Road, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 322-5215
Brunner Elementary School
Dr. Scott Bortnick, Principal
Facebook Group: Brunner Families
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling / Student Assistant Specialist Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Elementary
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calendar
School Schedule (Start/End)
721 Westfield Road, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 889-2148
Coles Elementary School
Karen Wetherell, Ed. D., Principal
Facebook Group: Coles Families
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling / Student Assistant Specialist Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Elementary
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calendar
School Schedule (Start/End)
16 Kevin Road, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 757-7555
Evergreen Elementary School
Colleen Haubert, Principal
Website | Twitter
Facebook Group: Evergreen Elementary, Scotch Plains, NJ School: Parents/Guardians
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling / Student Assistant Specialist Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Elementary
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calendar
School Schedule (Start/End)
2280 Evergreen Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 889-5331
McGinn Elementary School
Dr. Sasha Slocum, Principal
Website | Twitter
Facebook Group: McGinn Families
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling / Student Assistant Specialist Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Elementary
Be a Super Reader! McGinn Summer Challenge
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calendar
School Schedule (Start/End)
1100 Roosevelt Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 233-7950
School One Elementary School
Mr. Justin Fiory, Principal
Website | Twitter
Facebook Group: School One Parents
Nurse(s) Info Page
Counseling / Student Assistant Specialist Page
SPF Summer Reading Hub: Elementary
School Supply List
School Calendar
Marking Period Calendar
School Schedule (Start/End)
563 Willow Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 322-7731
Before and After Care: Right at School
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We want all our students to see themselves reflected in their teachers, administration and support staff. Let's help make better representation happen by applying for positions currently available in our school district, or sharing these job postings with the incredible, talented, hard-working people we know who would be a perfect fit.
Please note that the SPF school district's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan's Goal #1 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion states the intent to, "Increase diverse educational staffing, training and capacity building so that staff more fully reflect the composition of our community and have a better understanding of, and engagement with students." All are invited and encouraged to apply.
Elementary school
Middle school
High school
Athletics & activities
Media center & support services
Other positions are available as well. Listings are subject to change, so search the main Employment Opportunities link to view the most up-to-date information.
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The SPF community has two libraries we are able to visit in-person, but there's also the option to search and take out books (and more) online, via free library apps. Here's what you need to know to open your family's library experience up even wider.
1927 Bartle Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
908 322-5007
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Need a library card for yourself or family member(s)? Get it here.
Want to reserve or renew a book (or other items) from your computer? Do it here.
Don't see the book you want on the shelf? Ask for an interlibrary loan from one of the 41 libraries connected with the SPF libraries in the Middlesex Union Reciprocal Associated Libraries group ("MURAL" for short) here.
Looking for personalized recommendations? Submit the request here.
Know of a book that you think our library should carry? Submit the request here.
Looking for Antiracism Resources? "In support of our mission to welcome and support our entire community with resources and services that enhance lifelong learning, we highlight these resources for learning about racism and systemic inequality." See those resources here.
Interested in bookish events for the whole family? Check the Events calendar for storytimes, activities, author visits, book clubs, and more here.
230 North Ave, Fanwood
(temporary location at the Fanwood Museum at the train station while the new building is under construction)
(908) 322-6400
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Need a library card for yourself or family member(s)? Get it here.
Want to reserve or renew a book (or other items) from your computer? Do it here.
Don't see the book you want on the shelf? Ask for an interlibrary loan from one of the 41 libraries connected with the SPF libraries in the Middlesex Union Reciprocal Associated Libraries group ("MURAL" for short) here.
Looking for personalized recommendations? Submit the request here.
Know of a book that you think our library should carry? Submit the request here.
Interested in bookish events for the whole family? Check the Events calendar for storytimes, activities, author visits, book clubs, and more here.
If you have a Scotch Plains or Fanwood library card and a device for apps (phone, tablet), you can use the Libby by Overdrive app to access ebooks and audiobooks from the SPF libraries.
Simply download the app and plug in your card info to connect your library with the app. Get the Libby (by Overdrive) app here.
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R.E.A.L. Parents x SPF book lists for the whole family!
These lists include two options each for the reading levels of Adult, Teen, Ages 8-12 and Ages 8 and Under. They are curated to deliberately include a variety of intersectionalities among the authors, illustrators and characters within each theme.
US History (and Present) Books for Adults:
Because understanding where we are can help guide us to where we need to go (and how to get there), this list is for those of us who want to do some legwork on our own to learn a fuller, more accurate history of the United States, its people, systems and laws.
It includes contemporary insight into where we are now, and how to help improve equity.
If reading history/non-fiction books isn't your favorite way to pass the time, listening to them on audiobooks as you do other things (drive, walk the dog, do laundry, wash dishes, etc.) may be a better way for you to soak in the information.
Expect this list of non-fiction books to grow and change over time, just like we do.
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Here’s a way you can quickly and easily help us achieve our literary diversity goals for the community's elementary schools.
Shop the Wish List by clicking the image below.
Gifting from this Wish List gets the same diverse collection of books into all of our elementary schools immediately, helping equalize the representation students see in their classrooms and libraries in the 2021-2022 school year and beyond.
The SPF School District not only supports this project, they have committed to matching our initial donation goal by supplying another collection of titles of the same size and scope to all in-district elementary schools right away.
The Nettingham Middle School Book Wish List
Looking for a way to participate in the Malcolm E. Nettingham Middle School celebrations this November, while getting more diverse books into our schools?
Shop the Wish List by clicking the image below before the November 11th renaming ceremony:
Gifting from this wish list gets books about the late, great Mr. Nettingham's experiences and history into the hands of students in every school in the district. Nettingham Middle School leaders have partnered with R.E.A.L. Parents x SPF to coordinate this initiative with the goal of fulfilling the wish list before the November 11th, 2021 renaming ceremony.
This Veteran's Day, Park Middle School will officially become Malcolm E. Nettingham Middle School during a renaming ceremony in honor of the late Mr. Nettingham, a longtime Scotch Plains resident, "Park" graduate (SPHS at the time) and Congressional Gold Medal recipient. In celebration of his life and contributions to this nation, SPF schools will be learning more about this deeply respected Tuskegee Airman in various ways--and you can be a part of this.
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"It is productive for kids to explore some of the things that happen in the world in a very controlled and safe environment."
- Dr. Mast, Superintendent, SPF School District
This is why the the Language Arts Department and Supervisor team up to carefully review and select each book used in the curriculum with a specific instructional purpose in mind.
"There's a great deal of thought, time and effort put into this ongoing process needed to create a balanced [library] collection for all students in the Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District."
- Terry Kelly, Evergreen Elementary Media Specialist
Learn how library materials are selected (at the 16:36 mark) from two longtime SPF educators/Media Specialists during their presentation at the 5/18/23 BOE meeting.
Some of the professional review resources available for educators and Media Specialists to use for this research include those by School Library Journal, School Library Connection, The Horn Book, Follett School Solutions, TitleWave, Publishers Weekly and the like.
Read the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts (NJSLS-ELA) here.
In our school district, when parents/guardians are concerned about a theme, topic and/or content of a specific book that has been assigned, the first step is:
SPF Schools' District Policy 5750, Equal Educational Opportunity states that "The Board of Education directs that all students enrolled in the schools of this district shall be afforded equal educational opportunities in strict accordance with law..." This includes library materials.
When parents/guardians are working with their child to pick a book from a list of options from a teacher (or grade-specific summer reading list) and want resources to help with the decision:
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From Uprooting Systemic Bias in Schools via Harvard School of Education
From 5 Things Educators Can Do to Address Bias in Their School via the National Education Association EdJustice
From Educators and Race: A Conversation with Author Ijeoma Oluo on Tackling Systemic Racism in U.S. Education via School Library Journal
From "I Don't See Color." Then you don't see me via Psychology Today
From How textbooks taught white supremacy: A historian steps back to the 1700s and shares what's changed and what needs to change via The Harvard Gazette
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Just what is critical race theory and what's it doing in a nice field like education? (1998) | International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education article by Gloria Ladson-Billings
Why are states banning critical race theory? (2021) | The Brookings Institution article by Rashawn Ray and Alexandra Gibbons
What Do Teachers Think About Discussing Racism in Class? We Asked Them (2021) | Education Week article by Ileana Najarro
What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack? (2021) | Education Week article by Stephen Sawchuk
Racial/Ethnic Enrollment in Public Schools (Updated 2021) | Annual Report on National Center for Education Statistics
Being Antiracist | Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
What Anti-racism Really Means for Educators (2020) | Learning for Justice article by Jamilah Pitts
Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic
Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed the Movement by Kimberlé Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, Garry Peller, Kendall Thomas, Cornel West, et al
Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism by Derrick A. Bell
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